Computer Dealers and Internet Cafe Shops in Deoghar

Today one can find different range of computers in variety of configuration. There are many computer dealers in Deogarh dealing in all top brand of computers like Dell, HP, Lenovo etc. Apart from computers they also sell a lot many computer accessories. Computers be it a desktop or laptop or any other tablet have become a necessity and its accessories a fashion. From harddisks to mouse and pen drives all can be procured from these stores at competitive prices. Here is a list of all the computer dealers in Deogarh, Jharkhand.
Computer items in Deoghar

List of Computer Dealers in Deoghar

Global Infotech Agency
Address - S M Jalan Road, B Deoghar Ho, Bajla Chowk, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9431133562, 9939387284
Phone Number - +(91)-6432-233555

Ganeshas Infotech

Address - Dukhi Sah Road, B Deoghar Ho, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9931081684, 9431163649
Phone Number - +(91)-6432-236270

Swar Sangam

Address - Station Road, B Deoghar Ho, Near ICICI Bank, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9304222309, 9308610009

Shree Sakambari Services

Address - Shiv Puri Road, B Deoghar Ho, Bilasi Town, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9234873830, 7870454646

Sky Infotech

Address - S B Roy Road, B Deoghar Ho, Infront Narsingh Talkies, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9934531553

R K Telecom

Address - Dumka Road, B Deoghar Ho, Baidhnathpur Chowk, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9234997541, 8797270102

Arya Infotech

Address - B Deoghar Ho, Near Jalsar Park, Hanuman Tikri, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9507576401

Shiva Infotech

Address - Hotel Ganga, Court Road, B Deoghar HO, Near Hindustan Office, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-7549463232

Oxford Computer

Address - Balsai Road, B Deoghar Ho, Near Jalsar Road, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9931135563

Sri Sai Infotech

Address - Eureka Complex, Bypass Road, B Deoghar Ho, Near Shyam Sunder School, Caster Town, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9204793637, 8603804017, 9798777420

Amar Computer

Address - VIP Chowk Road, B Deoghar Ho, Near VIP Chowk Road, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9431369181

Suvidha Computers

Address - Near Bus Stand, Deoghar College, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814113
Phone Number - +(91)-9471553198

Cybotech Computers

Address - Station Road, B Deoghar Ho, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9386161835

Silicon Computer System

Address - Jalsar Road, B Deoghar Ho, Hotel Sourav International, Basement, Tower Chowk, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9431315210, 9304386668

Param Computer

Address - Kurshela Complex, Station Road, B Deoghar Ho, Near ICICI Bank, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9263790906

Cyber Café in Deoghar

In today’s world where every task is accomplished online, Cyber café plays an important role. Today shopping, paying bills, filling forms, railway reservations, air tickets etc. can all be done using internet. In Deoghar all the people cannot afford to have a computer or an internet connection, and thus cyber café comes into the scene. Cyber café gives every person who do not have internet facility at home can use cyber cafés. Cyber café allow a person to access computer on hourly basis. The charge a person for every hour they use computer. Here is a list of all the cyber café in Deogarh, Jharkhand.

Net Express

Address - Ground Floor, Sabitri Complex, Station Road, B Deoghar Ho, Near Baidynath Railway Station, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9234313643

Fun Street Cafe

Address - Nakshtra Business Centre, Kurshela Market, Station Rd., B Deoghar Ho, Near Icici Bank, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-8603414900

Dot Com World

Address - Mahila Bajla Chowk, B Deoghar Ho, Near Bajla College, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9934062823

J.M.D Cafe

Address - Ambedker Chowk, B Deoghar Ho, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9334100340

Nandani Cafe

Address - Satsang Chowk, B Deoghar Ho, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9472795219

Om Cyber Cafe

Address - Subhash Chowk, B Deoghar Ho, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-8877168131

Remi Cyber Cafe

Address - V I P Chowk, B Deoghar Ho, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112

Common Service Center

Address - 2, Near Hanumaan Mandir, B Deoghar Ho, Main Road, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9234869905

Common Service Center

Address - 2, Middle School Ke Aage, B Deoghar Ho, Main Oad, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9939302270

Common Service Center

Address - 2, Near Bajrangbali Chowk, B Deoghar Ho, Main Road, Deoghar-Jharkhand - 814112
Phone Number - +(91)-9234862959

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